“My Fueled Temper”

Confusion fills my fragile head
From all the lies my mind was fed.
Then hate escapes myself locked cage
And destruction fills my world by rage.

The break of glass—
The crack of wood—
Would my calmness show if it could?
My anger builds inside me now.

The sounds of pain—
My tone of voice—
My voice and actions are not from choice.
Rage over powers how I choose.

A cooling point—
My frame of mind—
Rage blinds me...these I need to find.
I’m violent and it’s hard to stop.

Please, I need help,
I cease to say.
Today I want another way.
I cannot keep on doing this.

Irruptions, bursts, they come and go.
Deceit and lies are sparks, you know.
So when I’m angry, it’s all brought on,
But how it’s handled is where I’m wrong.

-Chris J. Melanson 1999
All Content Copyright © Chris J. Melanson 2008 - 2009. All Rights Reserved.